Smile Designing

Smile Designing

Smile Designing

Smile designing is a method of cosmetic treatment done to alter the smile or the appearance of teeth set up. This can be opted by people who are willing to alter the way they smile or look. The best part of smile designing is that there are no serious or specific side effects. Smile designing will include effective cosmetic methods like dental veneers, teeth whitening, composite bonding or sometimes a tooth implant.

To achieve a smile designing treatment as desired, dentists will analyze the inter-relationships of muscles, oral hygiene, bones, gingival tissues, gums, joints and occlusion. The various analysis done by dentists are facial composition, dental composition and soft tissue components.

  1. The facial composition will include lips and inter-pupillary lines.
  2. The dental composition includes aspects like dental midline, tooth size and dimensions, incisal lengths, incisal embrasure, zenith points, axial inclinations, the symmetry of teeth, balance of gums and teeth, Interdental Contact Area (ICA) and Interdental Contact Point (ICP)
  3. Soft tissue composition is checking the gingival health, gingival levels and harmony, smile line and Interdental embrasure.

Apart from these, the age, sex and personality are also considered before undergoing smile designing. People having crooked, chipped or protruded teeth, problems like gum bleeding, discolored tooth or gums can undergo treatments for smile designing. This is a healthy way to restore smile and enhance the look of people. This process is simple and takes less time only. There are no further risks or side effects. Also, alterations in lips can be made as some people have lips that are either too big or too small.

After the treatment also, they must ensure to maintain their teeth. A preventive measure like brushing two times, avoiding caffeine or food items having a high content of sugar can help. Smile designing is thus an effective way of getting looks that appeal to other people.